[CK]: yo dude have u p1cked a f1ght1ng style yet
[CK]: 1 p1cked m1ne
[CK]: m1ne 1s s1ck as hell
[CK]: respond
-- turntableboner [tb] has responded to cyclopsK1d [CK] AT 10:35 AM.--
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[TB]: nah
[TB]: i havent picked one yet
[TB]: im probably gonna pick a weapon
[TB]: like a sword or katana or something
[CK]: oh yea
[CK]: 1 would have p1cked a sword or someth1ng l1ke p1conjo
[CK]: but 1 thought psych1c would be cool
[TB]: yeah psychic is pretty cool
[CK]: 1kr
[CK]: 1 also p1cked 1t because 1ts l1ke
[CK]: 1n my username
[TB]: how
[CK]: dude cyclops 1s marvel
[CK]: l1ke the com1c character
[TB]: oh hes the one guy
[CK]: yeah. the fuck1ng "one guy".
[TB]: dude hes so lame
[CK]: hes cooler than god damn s1lver surfer or whoever your favour1te was
[TB]: specifically comics silver surfer
[TB]: im too scared to watch the movies because they might be bad and that might ruin him for me
[TB]: still cooler than cyclops
[TB]: and my f to the a to the motherfucking v would have to be (did you see that rhyme)
[TB]: deadpool
[TB]: you know deadpool was in xmen legends
[TB]: ps2 game
[TB]: but i liked the ps3 deadpool game
[CK]: you should buy a ps3 so we can play 1t
[CK]: but l1sten, about cyclops be1ng lame
[CK]: 1 he gets a sh1t ton of hoes
[CK]: 2 hes the xmen leader so suck my balls
[TB]: whatever dude
[TB]: i should go sort my fighting style thing out anyway
[TB]: talk to you later
[CK]: yeah see you
-- turntableboner [tb] has closed the conversation with cyclopsK1d [CK] AT 10:42 AM.--