[G3]: yo!!!! r u ready 4 2day?????
-- turntableboner [TB] has responded to gutzRx3 [G3] AT 11:01 AM.--
--Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.--
[TB]: sure am
[TB]: ready to hit the road
[TB]: not sure what my means of transportation is going to be
[TB]: might have to kickflip my way over
[G3]: w8 u zkate????.
[TB]: yeah my bro taught me
[G3]: OMGosh thatz kinda cool!
[G3]: but i thought ur bro waz mean and ztuff
[TB]: i mean hes kind of a psycho piece of shit
[TB]: hes not even that bad though most of the time he just stays in his room and jerks off or hes swinging his katana around or hes rapping or hes playing modern warfare 2
[TB]: normal 19 year old shit i guess
[TB]: but dude hes such a high level
[TB]: he might actually be one of the strongest in the city
[G3]: well idk im pretty ztrong 2..
[G3]: liek thiz
[G3]: ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
[TB]: oh shit
[TB]: thats kind of fucking scary actually
[G3]: LOLZ
[G3]: BLEH!!!!
[TB]: what
[G3]: [CK] keepz telling mee 2 invite u 2 the memo
[TB]: the planning one right
[G3]: yea (◣ _ ◢)
[TB]: holy shit you got serious on me for a second there
[TB]: what the fuck was that about
[G3]: LOLZ
[G3]: join da friggin memo right now!!!!
[G3]: or your fat and grozz and bleh
-- gutzRx3 [G3] has invited turntableboner [TB] to a memo titled [da plan memo >:] AT 11:08 AM.--
-- gutzRx3 [G3] has closed the conversation with turntableboner [TB] AT 11:08 AM.--
[TB]: okay here i go
-- turntableboner [TB] has joined [da plan memo >:]] AT 11:08 AM.--
-- turntableboner [TB] has responded AT 11:08 AM.--
--Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.--
[TB]: yo
[CK]: hey [TB]
-- ghoulishNeedles [GN] has joined [da plan memo >:]] AT 11:08 AM.--
-- ghoulishNeedles [GN] has responded AT 11:08 AM.--
[GN]: Hello everybody.
[TB]: thats like markiplier
[GN]: Sure is.
[TB]: god you are so condescending
[G3]: {¬ºཀ°}¬
[G3]: bleh!!!
[CK]: So are we 1nv1t1ng whats her face and the other g1rls?
[TB]: look at this guy
[TB]: always about the girls huh
[GN]: Just ignore him
[GN]: And yes. We are inviting [TS] and her friends.
[GN]: They bought tickets.
[TB]: okay actual genuine question with no irony in it this time
[G3]: huh?
[TB]: is anyone even like
[TB]: actually cosplaying
[G3]: well i got mai tail and earz and zhit
[G3]: but i dee kay i think the otherz r 2 kool 2 kozplay or zomething